出発(君がいた季節) | |
やよいを追いかける やよいさんの手料理が食べたい 誘惑されない | |
ホテル(化石の歌) | |
1日目 | 土地の因縁 はっはっはっ……答えはNOだ! 食堂 サニタリー ホール 書斎 ここにいる やよいの部屋 預けておく 教会 きふをする みみをかく いいえ いいえ 浴室 サニタリー |
2日目 | 食堂 ホール 倉庫 (「EXTRA」に「マリーのおかたづけ」追加) 応接室 |
列車(D) | |
7両目 | A室 B室 リタに付き合う(勝ち負けは関係ありません) (「EXTRA」に「リタの家」が追加) C室 ランプの傘 カーテンの向こう 引出しの裏 先に進む |
6両目 | A室 B室 C室 ノックする ×5 先に進む |
5両目 | A室 B室 C室 先に進む |
4両目 | A室 B室 C室 先に進む |
2両目 | A室 B室 C室 B室 (メルのコイン入手) やる! シャルロットのところに行く (ミルヒのコイン入手) |
帰宅後(君がいた季節) | |
以降、選択肢はありません。 が、画面効果をオフにしていると止まってしまうバグがあります(レッド変身シーン)。 | |
出発(君がいた季節) | |
みちるを追いかける 誘惑されない | |
ホテル(化石の歌) | |
1日目 | お姫様のこと どちらかというと、3メートルの宇宙人の方が気になる…… 応接室 正樹の部屋 ヴェールカの部屋 ホール エントランス アメリアの部屋 食堂 ホール みちるの部屋 みちるの部屋 浴室 声のする方 そのまま |
2日目 | エントランス 応接室 (シャルロットのコイン入手) 食堂 食堂 応接室 |
列車(D) | |
7両目 | A室 B室 リタに付き合わない (リタのコイン入手) C室 ランプの傘 机の下 椅子の背もたれの隙間 イルマリを呼ぶ 先に進む |
6両目 | A室 B室 C室 ノックする ×5 イルマリを呼ぶ 先に進む |
5両目 | (ミルヒのボーナスボイス入手) A室 B室 C室 イルマリを呼ぶ 先に進む |
4両目 | A室 B室 C室 先に進む |
2両目 | A室 B室 C室 C室 やる! シャルロットのところに行く |
帰宅後(君がいた季節) | |
以降、1周目と同じです。途中で止めても構いません。 | |
出発(君がいた季節) | |
(まりかのボーナスボイス入手) あきらを追いかける あきらって選択肢はないのか? 誘惑されない | |
ホテル(化石の歌) | |
1日目 | お姫様のこと どちらかというと、3メートルの宇宙人の方が気になる…… あきらの部屋 やよいの部屋 応接室 (シャルロットのボーナスボイス入手) ホール メルの部屋 やよいの部屋 (やよいのボーナスボイス入手) 正樹の部屋 ヴェールカの部屋 (ヴェールカのボーナスボイス入手) メルの部屋 (メルのボーナスボイス入手) 照子の部屋 ここで【セーブ1】 ちょ、超爆開始ぃぃぃ! せざるをえんのだよ、せざるを! |
1日目 | 退却セヨ退却セヨ…… 教会 みみをかく いいえ いいえ ホール ホール (クルルのボーナスボイス入手) |
2日目 | 浴室 (みちるのボーナスボイス入手) アメリアの部屋 (アメリアのボーナスボイス入手) サニタリー (マリーツィアのボーナスボイス入手) 教会 (プリエのボーナスボイス入手) 応接室 |
(ヘルムートのボーナスボイス入手) | |
列車(D) | |
7両目 | A室 B室 リタに付き合う(勝ち負けは関係ありません) (リタのボーナスボイス入手) C室 (あきらのボーナスボイス入手) 先に進む |
6両目 | A室 B室 C室 ノックする ×5 先に進む |
5両目 | (ミルヒのボーナスボイス入手) A室 B室 C室 先に進む |
4両目 | A室 B室 C室 先に進む |
2両目 | A室 B室 C室 A室 やる! シャルロットのところに行く |
帰宅後(君がいた季節) | |
1周目と同じですが、途中(葵登場時)で葵のボーナスボイスを入手します。 (葵のボーナスボイス入手) | |
出発(君がいた季節) | |
照子と歩く (照子のボーナスボイス入手) |
■概要 |
本編の特定の場所でキャラ絵付きのコインをもっているとそのキャラのボーナスボイスが再生されます。入手方法は2通りで、「シャルロット」「メル」「ミルヒ」「リタ」は本編途中で、残りは「EXTRA」内の「リタの家」で入手します。 本編で入手するものは上のルートで2周目までに全て入手しています。 「リタの家」で入手するものはゲーム勝った時にランダムで出ます(出ない場合もあります)。ただし、バグのためか「葵」のみ入手イベントが発生しません。勝ち続けているといつのまにか持っています。 ゲームはどれでも構いませんが、「四つ葉のクロ-バー」なら殆ど勝つことができるので、これを繰り返していればその内に全て集まります。 同じものも何度でも出るので、全てを集めるには相当な根気が必要です。 以下は各コインを持っているときにイベントが発生する場所です。 (上の3周目ルートで全てカバーしています) |
イベント発生場所 | |
やよい | ホテル1日目15:30 やよいの部屋 |
みちる | ホテル2日目15:30 浴室 |
まりか | 最初 レイスマン録画後 |
あきら | 7両目C室を出た時 |
マリーツィア | ホテル2日目16:30 サニタリー |
アメリア | ホテル2日目16:00 アメリアの部屋 |
ヴェールカ | ホテル1日目16:30 ヴェールカの部屋 |
プリエ | ホテル2日目17:00 教会 |
クルル | ホテル1日目22:00 ホール |
シャルロット | ホテル1日目14:00 応接室 |
メル | ホテル1日目17:00 メルの部屋 |
リタ | 7両目B室 ゲーム後 |
ミルヒ | 5両目に入った時 |
ヘルムート | ホテルから出る時(ヘルムート出現時) |
葵 | 帰宅後 ポリアクア登場時 |
照子 | 最初の選択を「照子と歩く」とすると機内で |
■概要 |
7両目B室でリタに付き合うと「EXTRA」内に追加されます。 (上の1周目ルートで回収しています) コインを集めるなら「四つ葉のクローバー」がお勧めです。 |
■時計 |
1箇所が集中して減らないように気をつけながら……あとは運です。 あまり勝てません。 |
■三つ葉のクローバー |
殆ど運だけです。あまり勝てません。 プレイヤーが操作できるのは「どのタイミングでシャッフルするか」だけですが、 それも置けるものがなくなってからで良いでしょう。 ただ、ひとつのスートだけが残らない様には気をつけてください。 |
■四つ葉のクローバー |
何も考えずに、消せるものをみつけたらそれを消します。 それで殆ど勝て、偶にエクセレント(山を残して終了)になります。 あえて攻略法をあげるなら…大きい数字を優先的に使う事です。 |
■裏技 |
バグだと思われますが、全ゲームに共通して20枚を賭けた場合、倍率が更に5倍ほどに跳ね上がっています。 「四葉のクローバー」で20枚を賭け続けていれば、山がなくなって終了した場合に150枚、山を残して終了した場合に500枚が入ってくるので、これを利用することをお勧めします。 |
■概要 |
ホテル2日目の倉庫でのイベントを見ると、「EXTRA」に追加され、プレイできるようになります。 (上の1周目ルートで回収しています) その後は、インストールされたフォルダの中の「OrderMary.exe」を実行すれば単体で起動できます。 以下は各ステージのヒントと、Foolがプレイした限りでできるだけ短いクリア手順です。 (上下左右はキーボード操作の場合の方向に対応) 初級、中級、上級それぞれはクリアするとCGが出ます。 初級~上級を全てクリアすると超常級が出現します。 |
初級 | ||
初級に限り「マリーの(M)」から模範解答を見ることができます。下の解答は手順は少し違うかも知れませんが、手数は全て模範解答と同じでした。以下のヒント中では左からxマス、上からyマスの地点を(x,y)と表します。 | ||
エミールの部屋 | 最初は下から押します。 | 【24手】 左→上→上→上→上→上→上→右→上→左→左→左→下→下→下→左→左→左→左→下→左→上→上→上 |
工房 | 押し出しの練習。荷物を3つ並べた後は、左端をずらしてそこから右へ。 | 【33手】 下→下→下→左→下→下→右→右→右→下→右→右→上→上→上→左→左→下→左→左→上→上→上→上→上→上→右→上→左→左→左→左→左 |
時計の部屋 | まずは右。あとは素直に埋めていけば大丈夫です。(2,1)の穴は使いません。クリアよりも、手数を縮める練習を。 | 【82手】 右→右→右→右→下→下→下→右→上→上→上→上→左→左→左→上→左→下→下→左→下→下→下→下→右→下→左→左→左→左→左→左→左→下→下→左→左→上→上→下→右→右→右→右→上→上→右→上→左→左→左→左→左→左→左→下→下→左→左→上→上→上→上→上→右→右→右→上→上→上→左→左→左→下→左→左→上→左→下→下→下→下 |
厨房 | 氷床の練習。穴に入れるには穴から左に3マスの地点に荷物を置きます。 | 【13手】 下→左→左→左→左→上→左→下→左→下→下→下→右 |
マリーの部屋 | 下から押し出しで、最初は一番上列の穴を埋めます。 | 【18手】 右→上→右→右→上→左→左→下→左→上→上→上→上→上→右→上→上→左 |
バラ園 | 右側の砂地帯に入らないことには(4,2)の荷物が取り出せません。下からは回れないので、まずは上に道を作ります。後は右から押して残る荷物を取り出してください。押しすぎて壁にくっつけてしまわないように。 | 【45手】 下→下→下→右→上→上→上→上→左→上→右→右→右→右→右→右→下→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→右→右→下→左→左→上→左→下→下→下→下→下→下→下→下→左→下→右→下→下→右 |
中級 | ||
ポイントは、一番入れ難い穴を探し、そこを埋めるにはどうすれば良いかを考えることです。以下のヒント中では左からxマス、上からyマスの地点を(x,y)と表します。 | ||
教会 | (6,1)の穴に入れるためには、その左の穴に氷荷物を入れる必要があります。まずは邪魔な(4,4)の棘荷物を動かします。 | 模範解答と同じ手数です。 【51手】 下→右→右→下→右→右→上→上→上→下→左→左→左→上→上→上→右→右→右→下→下→右→右→下→右→上→上→上→左→左→上→上→右→右→下→下→右→右→上→上→右→上→左→下→左→左→上→上→上→右→右 |
アメリアの部屋 | (5,1)の穴を埋めるには、その左に荷物を置いて、更にその左から押すしかありません。その場所に荷物を置くためには、氷荷物の使い方が重要です。 | 模範解答は37手ですが、より短くなりました。 【31手】 上→左→左→左→左→下→左→上→左→上→上→左→左→上→右→右→右→右→下→右→上→上→上→上→左→上→上→上→上→上→右 |
客間 | ひとつひとつ素直に入れていけば問題ありません。棘荷物を動かすには、砂荷物を上から2回押して、左から。 | 模範解答は56手ですが、より短くなりました。 【39手】 上→上→上→上→左→左→左→左→右→上→右→上→上→左→左→左→左→左→左→下→下→下→下→右→右→下→下→下→下→右→上→右→右→下→左→下→下→左→右 |
草原の民の村外れ | 普通の荷物は3マス上の穴にしか入りません。そのためにはピット荷物で下から押し出す必要があります。その後ピット荷物を捨てる穴を先に塞いでしまわないように。 | 模範解答は100手ですが、より短くなりました。 【88手】 下→右→右→上→上→上→下→左→左→左→上→上→右→上→上→左→下→左→下→下→下→右→右→右→下→下→左→下→左→上→右→右→右→右→右→上→上→上→下→左→左→上→左→上→上→上→右→右→右→下→下→左→上→上→左→左→下→下→下→左→左→下→右→下→下→下→左→左→上→右→右→下→右→上→上→上→上→上→上→左→上→右→上→右→右→下→下→下 |
廊下 | (4,7)の穴を埋めるには、その上の穴に氷荷物を入れる必要があります。氷荷物は上からは入れられないので、左から入れることになります。棘荷物はステージ左下の空間を通ってまた上へ。 | 模範解答は76手ですが、より短くなりました。 【71手】 右→右→下→下→下→下→左→下→下→左→下→下→下→下→左→下→右→右→右→上→上→上→右→右→右→下→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→下→下→下→左→下→右→右→右→上→上→上→右→右→下→下→左→上→左→左→下→下→下→下→左→下→下→右→上→上→上→上→上→上→上→上→右→上→左 |
応接室 | まず、(5,4)の穴に滑る普通の荷物を入れて道を作ります。最終的に壁荷物は(4,6)の穴に右から入ります。 | 模範解答は73手ですが、より短くなりました。 【61手】 上→上→右→右→上→上→右→右→下→下→左→下→左→下→下→下→右→右→上→上→右→下→下→左→下→右→下→右→上→左→上→上→上→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→右→下→下→下→左→左→上→上→上→左→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→下→下→左→上 |
セリユの部屋 | 左から2列目の砂荷物と棘荷物の位置関係を入れ替え、下から押し出して一番上の穴に砂荷物を入れます。上から4列目の荷物群のどの位置にピット荷物を割り込ませるかが重要です。順番次第ではピット荷物を捨てられなくなります。 | 模範解答は178手ですが、より短くなりました。 【126手】 左→上→上→左→左→下→左→上→下→左→左→上→左→上→上→上→右→下→下→右→上→上→上→下→下→右→右→上→上→右→右→右→上→左→下→左→左→左→下→下→左→左→上→上→上→上→上→上→左→上→上→右→下→上→右→右→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→下→右→下→左→左→下→左→左→下→左→左→左→上→上→上→右→右→右→左→上→上→右→右→右→上→右→右→下→下→下→下→左→下→右→右→下→左→上→左→左→下→下→下→右→下→左→左→左→左→上→上→下→左→左→上→上→右→下→下→右→右→上→上 |
ヴェールカの部屋 | いきなり左の砂荷物を落としてしまうと、その下のピット荷物が捨てられません。まずは、右に進みます。(4,5)の穴に普通の荷物を入れなければマリーが左下の区画に入れないので、ここを荷物を2つ並べて上から押し出しで埋めます。最終的に(6,6)の棘荷物は(7,1)の穴に入り、ピット荷物は両方とも(1,4)の穴に下から入ります。 | 模範解答は138手ですが、手順が不明です。 【175手】 右→右→下→下→右→右→下→下→下→下→左→左→上→上→上→上→下→右→右→上→上→上→上→左→左→左→上→左→下→右→下→右→右→下→下→下→左→左→下→左→上→上→上→上→右→右→上→上→上→左→左→左→上→左→下→右→下→左→右→右→下→下→下→左→左→上→上→下→右→右→上→上→上→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→右→右→下→左→右→右→上→左→左→左→左→左→右→右→下→下→下→下→左→左→上→左→左→上→上→右→右→下→右→右→上→上→上→上→左→左→上→左→左→左→左→下→右→右→下→下→上→右→右→右→右→右→右→下→右→上→下→下→下→左→左→上→左→左→左→左→下→下→左→下→右→左→上→上→上→上→右→右→上→右→右→下→右→右→上→上→上→上→左→左→左→左→左→左→下 |
上級 | ||
滑る荷物移動中にもマリーを動かすことができ、遮って立つ事で途中で移動を止めることや、タイミングを合わせて横から押す事で移動中の荷物の移動方向を変えることができます。尚、左からxマス、上からyマスの地点を(x,y)と表します。 | ||
サニタリー | 一番上の列の穴はどちらも棘荷物です。芝生のため押し出しでは動かない場合が多く、荷物同士が隣り合わないように余分に動かすことが重要となります。ワープ床の上も歩けるので注意してください。(5,5)の荷物は下から押して(5,2)へ持っていきます。(1,3)の穴には砂荷物を入れて通路を作ります。 | 模範解答は168手ですが、より短くなりました。 【151手】 下→左→左→左→左→左→上→上→右→上→上→上→下→左→下→下→右→右→右→右→上→右→上→上→左→上→上→左→左→左→上→上→左→上→下→下→右→下→左→上→右→右→下→右→下→下→左→左→左→上→上→上→下→右→右→右→上→上→左→上→左→左→左→上→左→下→下→右→右→右→下→下→下→左→左→下→右→左→上→上→上→下→左→左→上→上→上→右→下→右→右→右→右→右→右→右→上→上→左→左→左→下→下→左→上→上→上→上→左→上→上→右→下→右→右→右→右→右→左→左→下→下→下→下→右→右→右→右→下→右→右→上→左→左→上→右→右→上→右→下→下→右→上→上→左→上→右→右→下→右→上 |
街中 | (1,6)の穴に入れるためには、その2マス上の穴にワープ荷物を入れ、更に上から滑る荷物を押す以外にありません。そのためには、滑る荷物を(1,2)もしくは(1,3)に持ってくる必要があります。しかし、後者の位置に持ってくるには(2,3)になければならず、そのためには・・・と結局は不可能なので、前者に確定です。すると滑る荷物を上から2列目で止めるために、(4,2)の穴は芝となります。壁荷物をうまく使って滑る荷物を左から4列目に持ってきてください。最終的に壁荷物は右下端の穴に最後に入ります。 | 模範解答は128手ですが、手順が不明です。 【142手】 右→上→右→右→右→右→上→右→右→下→下→左→下→下→左→左→上→上→左→右→上→上→上→左→左→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→下→下→下→下→下→右→上→上→右→右→右→下→右→右→下→左→下→下→左→左→左→上→右→右→上→左→下→左→左→上→上→下→左→左→上→上→上→左→上→右→右→上→右→右→下→下→下→右→右→上→上→上→上→右→下→上→左→左→左→右→右→下→下→下→左→左→左→左→下→左→上→右→上→上→上→上→左→上→左→左→左→左→下→下→右→下→下→下→右→右→上→上→右→右→下→下→上→左→左→下→下→下→右→右→右→右→右→上→右→下 |
ジウブラリク宮 | (6,7)には左から入れるしかありませんが、そのためには(5,7)が氷になるか、荷物自体が滑る荷物である必要があります。左の区画への移動を考えた時に、(2,2)に芝荷物を入れて道を作り、そのまま下を押して(3,4)に氷荷物を入れるしかなさそうなので、(6,7)に入るのは滑る砂荷物です。(4,5)の穴を壁にすることで容易にそれが可能です。 | 模範解答は146手ですが、より短くなりました。 【70手】 右→下→下→左→下→右→下→下→下→下→左→左→上→左→左→上→左→左→左→上→右→右→右→右→右→下→左→上→左→左→左→下→下→下→左→左→左→上→下→下→下→下→下→下→右→下→右→上→上→上→右→下→右→下→下→下→下→下→下→下→上→左→上→上→左→左→下→下→下→下 |
草原の民の聖地 | まず、(4,2)の穴に(2,4)の滑る荷物を入れて道を作ります。もうひとつの滑る荷物は(5,8)の穴です。砂荷物は最終的に(4,7)に入りますが、壁荷物ともどもできるだけ後で穴に入れるようにして、滑る荷物を止めるために使います。滑る荷物を(5,8)に入れる前には、(6,5)の棘荷物を(7,5)の穴に、(6,6)の壁荷物を(7,1)の穴に運んでおきます。滑る壁荷物と滑る砂荷物を左下の区画へと運ぶためには、(6,5)(6,6)に並べて置き、上から押すしかありません。そのためには(5,5)に壁荷物を入れておき、右から押した荷物を止めるために利用します。 | 模範解答は255手ですが、手順が不明です。 【297手】 左→上→右→右→右→左→下→下→右→右→右→右→右→下→右→上→上→左→左→上→上→右→右→右→右→上→右→下→下→下→下→左→左→左→左→下→下→右→右→下→右→上→上→左→左→上→右→右→右→右→上→右→下→右→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→下→下→下→左→左→上→上→上→上→上→上→下→下→右→右→上→上→上→上→左→上→左→下→下→左→上→上→上→左→上→左→上→右→下→左→下→左→下→下→右→下→左→上→上→右→下→右→右→下→下→左→左→上→上→左→左→左→下→下→下→右→下→上→上→左→上→左→左→下→右→右→右→右→上→上→右→右→上→左→下→左→下→左→下→下→右→上→上→右→右→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→左→下→左→下→左→左→左→左→左→左→上→上→右→上→下→右→右→上→右→右→上→上→上→上→上→左→下→上→左→左→左→左→下→下→下→右→上→上→上→右→右→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→下→下→左→左→上→右→右→上→上→上→上→上→左→下→右→下→下→左→下→左→上→上→左→左→ 下→下→右→右→下→下→下→下→左→左→左→左→左→上→左→下→右→下→右→右→右→右→上→上→左→左→下→右→右→下→下→左→左→左→左→左→左→上→左→左→下→左→左→上→右→右→右→右→右→右→右→上→上→上→上→上→上→左→左→左→左→左→下→下→右→下→左 |
エレディアの部屋 | このステージは特に多くの解法が存在します。以下はほんの一例です。 まずは、芝荷物を(7,7)へと運びながら、ワープ荷物を(5,5)に入れます。続いて、そのワープ床の左から滑る砂荷物を通した後、右上の区画に入り、ワープ荷物を(4,3)、同じに右から運んだ芝荷物を(4,1)に。(7,5)に止まった滑る砂荷物は左から滑る棘荷物をぶつけて動かします。残りは適当に近いところに入れれば大丈夫です。 | 模範解答は400手ですが、より短くなりました。 【187手】 右→下→右→右→右→右→下→上→上→右→右→右→右→上→上→右→下→左→左→左→上→左→上→右→下→右→右→右→上→上→上→上→右→上→右→右→右→右→下→下→左→左→下→下→右→右→右→下→下→左→左→上→上→左→下→下→左→上→下→右→上→上→左→左→左→左→左→左→左→下→下→左→上→下→下→下→下→左→右→右→上→左→左→左→左→上→上→上→上→左→上→右→右→上→右→上→左→上→右→下→下→下→右→右→上→上→下→右→上→左→左→左→上→上→上→上→右→上→右→右→右→右→右→右→下→下→下→下→右→下→下→左→上→下→右→上→上→左→左→左→上→上→左→左→下→下→下→左→左→下→右→下→下→左→左→下→左→左→上→上→右→下→左→上→上→左→下→右→下→下→下→下→右→右→右→右→上→右→下→下→下→右→下→下→右→右→右 |
ミハイルシステム | マリーが動くためには(5,2)の棘荷物は(6,2)の穴へ、(6,1)の滑る荷物は(2,7)の穴へ入れることが必要です。(3,1)の穴を埋めるには、下から押し出す必要がありますが、そのためには(3,4)の穴を棘の床にして(3,2)(3,3)(3,4)と荷物を並べて下から押します。移動の都合上、(4,5)には左の普通の荷物、(5,3)にはワープ荷物を入れるのがいいでしょう。最終的に、(3,1)の穴の下には並べる3つの荷物は全て壁荷物となり、それぞれ(3,1)(1,3)(2,4)に入ります。 | 模範解答は256手ですが、より短くなりました。 【188手】 右→左→左→左→上→左→下→下→右→右→右→右→右→右→下→下→右→右→右→下→下→下→右→下→左→左→上→上→上→右→右→上→上→上→上→上→左→左→左→右→下→下→下→下→下→左→左→左→下→左→左→左→上→上→上→上→右→下→左→下→下→右→右→右→右→右→上→右→下→上→上→上→上→下→下→右→右→上→上→上→左→上→上→左→左→左→下→下→下→下→下→下→下→左→下→左→左→下→下→右→右→右→右→右→右→上→左→左→上→上→左→上→右→右→右→右→右→上→上→上→右→右→下→下→左→下→下→下→下→左→左→左→上→上→上→上→右→上→左→上→上→上→左→左→下→右→右→下→右→右→上→上→左→左→右→下→左→左→上→左→左→下→下→左→上→右→右→下→下→左→左→左→左→下→下→左→上→上→右→上→左→上→上→左→左→左→左→左 |
プリエの部屋 | (2,4)のワープ荷物を(8,3)に入れることで(7,1)に入れることが可能になります。そのためには(3,2)の滑る氷荷物を(4,4)に。後はそれぞれの荷物を手近な穴に入れてください。 | 公式サイトで95手の手順が公開されています。破ることはできなかったので私の解答は公開はしません。解答は公式サイトで入手してください。 |
書庫 | まず、(7,4)の砂荷物を下へ運び、(5,8)の普通の荷物を(6,9)へ、その右に並んだ砂荷物は(2,8)と(8,8)へ入れます。そして、(3,4)の壁荷物を退け、(1,4)に砂荷物を入れることで、(2,2)へ普通の荷物を入れて道を作ることができます。その後、棘荷物をストッパーとして使いながら、滑るワープ荷物を(5,7)へ運び上から押しますが、荷物移動中にマリーは逃げ、荷物を上の区画まで滑らせます。後は(5,3)に止まった滑るワープ荷物を左から押し、残りは手近な穴に入れます。 | 模範解答は521手ですが、より短くなりました。 【228手】 申し訳ありませんが、荷物移動中のマリーの移動などが存在するため、上下左右の記述だけでは手順を説明できないので、ここで公開はしません。左のヒントは殆ど解答になってしまっているので大丈夫だと思われます。ただ、要望があればクリア手順データを送ります。 |
大ホール | クリア自体は簡単です。滑る荷物移動中にマリーが遮ることで好きなところで止められます。手順の短縮を追求してください。 | 公式サイトで27手の手順が公開されています。破ることはできなかったので私の解答は公開はしません。解答は公式サイトで入手してください。 |
食堂 | このステージは特に多くの解法が存在します。以下はほんの一例です。 穴と荷物の数を比較すると、穴が6つ余りますが、それは(1,10)(1,11)(3,11)(5,11)(7,10)(7.11)です。(4,11)に入れるためには(4,9)をワープ床にします。また、(1,7)に棘荷物、(1,6)に壁荷物を置いて置き、(3,7)をワープ床にすることで(1,8)(1,9)が埋まります。右側も同様です。上の荷物が固まっている区画では、極力荷物が端にくっつかないように動かす必要があり、また、穴に壁荷物を入れるのは最後なので、最初は(5,6)に氷荷物を入れます。その後、(6,4)の棘荷物を(7,6)に持ってきて、荷物を動かす隙間を作ったら、(5,7)にワープ荷物を入れ、(3,6)に砂荷物、(4,6)に棘荷物、(5,9)に氷荷物、そして(4,7)に氷荷物を入れることで道を繋げます。(4,8)は右回転床、(3,8)は左回転床です。(5,8)には最後に壁荷物が入ります。後は、ピット荷物を捨て忘れないように。 | 公式サイトのランキングには305手の記録がありますが、手順は不明です。 私は模範解答(491手)も切ることができず、あまりにも長くなってしまったので手順は公開しません。どうしても解けない人はメールを頂ければクリア手順データ(515手)を送ります。 |
Status: Complete (100% recollection CG ·) |
To the manufacturer's site has a "clean up your stage of Marie additional data." Coin (seed), the picturesque character is carried over from the beginning to start to get in the middle of the coin. You can increase the use of the "EXTRA" In addition to obtaining in this volume's Room "Rita", to buy wallpaper (seed) coin. Event of the character that occurs when you have decided on certain occasions that every character in this story is painting coin. See "About Coin picture" for more information. "EXTRA" see and you will be able to select the END time. If all goes as follows, you can recover the scene CG · Voice all mini-games in the "EXTRA" efficiently. Marie is in cleaning up your users can create a data stage, made some additional stage Fool. If you like, please get but is not a big deal. → [ stage.zip ] I'm glad if you made yourself and you send me the opposite. |
Capture this story
Opening lap
I fall at the time of appearance and subsequent Lobo's XP.
After you turn on the red screen effect at the time of transformation,
I can be avoided by turning off the screen and sound effects by Lobo appeared. Second round
Lap 3
I have advanced as those that have all the coin picture.
Does not appear to affect progression scenario even if you do not have,
because you can not get a bonus voice
be saved at that point, and you can move on now,
please try again to get the coin.
Please see the "About the coin picture" for more information.
Save one from
From the beginning
This scene is all filled.
Filled all the CG and clear all of your cleaning up Marie. If there is a bonus after voices are not yet available, collect coins picture the rest of the "House of Rita", we collected a bonus each voice and then restart from the save. Please see the "About the coin picture" for more information.
(Season You Were) the starting | |
Chase Yayoi Yayoi's home cooking I want to eat I do not be tempted | |
(Song of the fossil) Hotel | |
Day 1 | Fate of the land ...... ha ha ha Tsu answer is NO! Cafeteria sanitary Hall study here Yayoi room you leave the church to make a donation write a ear No No bathroom sanitary |
Second day | Dining hall warehouse (the "EXTRA" Add "clean up your Marie") drawing room |
Train (D) | |
7 eyes | A room B room go out to Rita (winning or losing does not matter) ("House of Rita" to "EXTRA" is added) C room lamp umbrella curtain across the back of the drawer to proceed |
6 eyes | A room B room C room × five knock proceeding |
5 eyes | A room B room C room to proceed |
4 eyes | A room B room C room to proceed |
Two eyes | A room B room C room B room (get coins Mel) do it! Charlotte went to (get coins Miruhi) |
(Season You Were) after returning home | |
Since, there is no choice. But there is a bug that could stop and have turned off the screen effect (transformation scene Red). | |
I fall at the time of appearance and subsequent Lobo's XP.
After you turn on the red screen effect at the time of transformation,
I can be avoided by turning off the screen and sound effects by Lobo appeared. Second round
(Season You Were) the starting | |
Michiru chasing not be tempted | |
(Song of the fossil) Hotel | |
Day 1 | The princess thing rather, of aliens who are worried about 3 m ...... parlor room Masaki room Vu~eruka Hall entrance room of Amelia dining hall full of rooms full of room bathroom with voice to those who directly |
Second day | Entrance drawing room (get coins Charlotte) cafeteria dining parlor |
Train (D) | |
7 eyes | A room B room do not go out to Rita (Rita get coins) C room lamp umbrellaunder the desk clearance of the backrest of the chair called Ilmariproceeding |
6 eyes | A room B room C room to knock 5 × Ilmari call to proceed |
5 eyes | (Get bonus voice of Miruhi) A room B room C room called Ilmari proceeding |
4 eyes | A room B room C room to proceed |
Two eyes | A room B room C room C room done! I went to Charlotte |
(Season You Were) after returning home | |
Later, is the same as the first lap. I do not have to be interrupted. | |
Lap 3
I have advanced as those that have all the coin picture.
Does not appear to affect progression scenario even if you do not have,
because you can not get a bonus voice
be saved at that point, and you can move on now,
please try again to get the coin.
Please see the "About the coin picture" for more information.
(Season You Were) the starting | |
(Get bonus voice of Jasmine) chasing Akira Akira Is not What choice? Not be tempted | |
(Song of the fossil) Hotel | |
Day 1 | The princess thing rather, of aliens who are worried about ...... 3 m room Akira Yayoi room drawing room (get bonus voice of Charlotte) Hall of Mel room room Yayoi (voice of Yayoi get bonus) Masaki room Vu~eruka room (get bonus Vu~eruka voice) Mel's room (get bonus voice of Mel) Teruko room here [1] save Author,ぃ~I~i explosion super start! The yen'm forced to, but to! |
Save one from
Day 1 | Applied applied retreat retreat ...... church write a ear No No Hall Hall (get bonus voice of Krull) |
Second day | Bathroom (voice of Michiru get bonus) room of Amelia (Amelia's voice get bonus) Sanitary (voice of Maritsu~ia get bonus) church(get bonus voice of plie) drawing room |
(Get bonus voice of Helmut) | |
Train (D) | |
7 eyes | A room B room go out to Rita (regardless of winning or losing) and (get bonus voice of Rita) C room (get bonus Akira's voice) to proceed |
6 eyes | A room B room C room × five knock proceeding |
5 eyes | (Get bonus voice of Miruhi) A room B room C room to proceed |
4 eyes | A room B room C room to proceed |
Two eyes | A room B room C room A room done! I went to Charlotte |
(Season You Were) after returning home | |
This is the same as the first lap, I get a bonus voice of Aoi (at Aoi appeared) on the way. (Get bonus voice of Aoi) | |
From the beginning
(Season You Were) the starting | |
Walking with Teruko (voice of Teruko get bonus) |
This scene is all filled.
Filled all the CG and clear all of your cleaning up Marie. If there is a bonus after voices are not yet available, collect coins picture the rest of the "House of Rita", we collected a bonus each voice and then restart from the save. Please see the "About the coin picture" for more information.
For coin picture
■ Overview |
Bonus voice of the character that is played with a coin and have a particular location in the picturesque character of this story. "In the middle of this title, and the rest is" how to get it, "Charlotte" "Mel" "Miruhi" "Rita in two ways to get" home "in the" EXTRA Rita. Shall be available in this volume are all available to the root on the second lap. Those obtained in the "House of Rita" (sometimes does not come out) come out at random when you win the game. However, the event does not occur only get "Aoi" or due to a bug. Imperceptibly and I have been on a winning streak.The game can be any, "four-leaf black - bar" so if you can win almost, I gathered all of them if they repeat it. Because no matter how many times the same thing, even out, a considerable amount of patience is required to collect all. Below is where the event occurs when you have a coin each.(Covering all routes on the third lap) |
Where the event occurred | |
Yayoi | Yayoi Day 1 hotel room 15:30 |
Michiru | Day 2 hotel bathroom 15:30 |
Marika | After recording the first Reisuman |
Akira | I left the room when both eyes 7 C |
Maritsu~ia | Sanitary 16:30 Day 2 hotels |
Amelia | 16:00 Amelia hotel room the second day |
Vu~eruka | 4:30 Vu~eruka hotel room the first day |
Plie | 17:00 Church Hotel Day 2 |
Krull | Day 1 22:00 Hall Hotel |
Charlotte | Day 1 drawing room hotel 14:00 |
Mel | Mel Day 1 hotel room 17:00 |
Rita | B room after the game seven eyes |
Miruhi | When it went into the eyes 5 |
Helmut | When leaving the hotel (at the time of emergence Helmut) |
Aoi | After returning home was at Poriakua |
Teruko | On board and when he "walked with Teruko" first choice |
Rita's house
■ Overview |
It is added in the "EXTRA" in the room and go out to Rita B 7 eyes. (Which is recovered in the first lap on the route) it is recommended to collect coins, "four-leaf clover." |
■ Clock |
Being careful not to Hera is concentrated in one place ...... the rest is luck. I do not win much. |
■ three-leaf clover |
It's just mostly luck. I do not win much. Although players can operate only "Do you want to shuffle timing how", it is a good idea even if it is something you can put to evaporate. However, please be careful to not leave just like that one suit. |
■ four-leaf clover |
I turn it off without thinking, I found something that can erase. So almost win will (end to leave the mountain) occasionally excellent. I use it in preference to large numbers ... I dare raise the Strategy. |
■ tricks |
It seems a bug, if you bet 20 sheets common to all games, I have jumped to the magnification factor of about 5. If they continue to put 20 images in "Four Leaf Clover", 500 sheets so come in when the 150-sheet if you end mountain is lost and ended leaving the mountain, recommended that I take advantage of this to. |
Marie cleaning up your
■ Overview |
Added to, "EXTRA" If you look at the events of the second day of the hotels in the warehouse, you should be able to play. (Which is recovered in the first lap on the route) and then, you can start by itself if you run "OrderMary.exe" in the folder where it is installed. Tips and each stage, the following is a clear procedure as short as possible as far as Fool is played. (Left, right, up and down correspond to the direction in the case of keyboard operation) CG appears Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and clear respectively. Class supernatural occurrences and clears all Elementary to Advanced. |
Elementary level | ||
As far as you can see the model answer "Marie (M)" from the beginner. Answer below might be slightly different procedure was the same as the model answer all the trouble. The following tips in I represent (x, y) and a point y mass x mass, from left. | ||
Emile room | Press from the bottom first. | [24] hand on the top left → → → → → left → left under left under → → → → left under the bottom left → left → left → up → right → up → → → on → the top left → top → top → → top |
Workshop | Practice of extrusion. After three side-by-side luggage, it is shifted to the right from the left edge. | [33] hand on the top left → → → → → left on the bottom left → left → up → right → up → right → up → right → the bottom right → → → → → right under under under → → → → left under under → → left → left → left → left → up → left → right → up → above on |
Clock Room | First right. After that you are okay if we fill obediently. Hole (2,1) is not used. Than clear, the practice to shorten the trouble. | [82] hand under the bottom left → → → → under under under left → → → → → left → left → left over on the right → → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → the bottom right → right → → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → left → bottom left under → → → left → left → left → bottom left → left → left → left → the bottom right → → → under → left → left → up → left → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → above on the top left → → → → → left under the lower left → left → left → left → left → left → left → → → → under under under under → → → → left → left → left on the bottom |
Kitchen | Practice of the ice sheet. To put the luggage into the hole at the point of 3 squares to the left of the hole. | [13] hand under → → → right under under under → → → left → left → left → left → up → left → left under |
Marie's room | Extrusion from the bottom, first fill the hole at the top of the column. | [18] hand on the right → → → → left on top → top → top → top → top → bottom left → left → left → right → up → right → up → right → |
Rose garden | Luggage (4,2) does not retrieve the sand can not enter the zone on the right. Could spin is not from the bottom, I make their way on first.Please remove the luggage from the right that remain after pressing. I have to be careful not to press too Kuttsuke the wall. | [45] hand on the left → left → left → left → right → left → bottom right → → → → right → up → right → left → right → up → right → up → above on the right → → → under under under → → → right under the lower right → → → → → left under under under → → → under under under → → → under under under → → → → left → left → left on the bottom right → the bottom right → → |
Intermediate Level | ||
The point is to find a hole in the most unlikely place, there to fill the think what to do. The following tips in I represent (x, y) and a point y mass x mass, from left. | ||
Church | In order to put the hole in the (6,1), you must put your luggage into the hole in the ice left.Move the luggage spines (4,4) in the way first. | Trouble is the same as the model answers. [51] hand under the right → right → → → → right below on the right → right → up → left → up → left → up → left → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → right → right under → → → left on the left on the bottom left → → → → → right on top on the right → → → → → right under the lower right → right → up → left → up → left → up → right → up → up → → → under on the right → right → |
Amelia's room | To fill the hole in the (5,1), I left my luggage in the left, there is only pressed from the left thereof. To put your luggage in its place, it is important to use ice luggage. | Hand model answer is 37, but it was shorter. [31] hand on the right → → → → on → the bottom right → right → up → right → left → right → up → left → up → left → up → left → bottom left → left → left → left → up → → → up → right → up → above on the top left → → → on |
Parlor | There is no problem if we obediently put one by one. Press twice on the luggage from the sand, to move the luggage spine, from the left. | Hand model answer is 56, but it was shorter. [39] hand under the bottom left → → → under under → left → left → left → left → left → up → right → up → left → right → up → left → left → up → left → → → on → the → on under → → → left → right under the bottom left → right → up → right → → → → right under under under → → → → right under the right |
End of the village people of the prairie | Contain only three holes on the mass of ordinary luggage. To do so it must be pushed from below by storage pits. To be careful not to Fusai ahead in a hole and then throw away the baggage pit. | Model answer is 100 hands, it has become shorter. [88] hand right under → → → right under the bottom left → → → → → left on the bottom on the right → → → → on the left on the left → → → → → left on the bottom on the right → → → → on → the bottom right → → right → up → right → up → left → the top left → → → → left below on the right → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → → → → left → left under under under right → → → → right → up → right → the bottom right → left → → → left under under under → → → → left → left → right under under under → → → → left → left on the bottom on the left → → → → → right under the bottom → under → → → → right under the bottom right → the top right → → → → → left on top → top → top → top → top |
Corridor | To fill the holes in the (4,7), you must put your luggage on top of it into the hole in the ice.Because it can not be put on the luggage from the ice, I will be put in from the left. Spines to Mataue luggage through the lower left of the stage space. | Hand model answer is 76, but it was shorter. [71] hand over → right → up → right → up → right → left → the bottom right → → → under under under → → → → left under under under → → → → left under under under right → → → → → right under under the lower right → → → → → right on top on the right → → → → → right → left → right under under under → → → → left under left under → → → → left on the bottom left → right → left → right → → Left on the right → → → → on → the → over → over → over → over on the right → → → → under under under → → → → left under under under → → → → left → left on left |
Drawing room | First, I make a way to put the luggage of normal slip into the hole in the (5,4). Entering from the right into the hole in the (4,6) luggage wall eventually. | Hand model answer is 73, but it was shorter. [61] hand under the bottom right → → → → on the right on the right → → → → under under under → → → → left → left under under under → → → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up on the top left → → → → → left under under under → → → → right under under under → → → → right below on the right → right → up → → → → left over on the bottom right → → → → → left → right under → → → left on the bottom under the lower left → → → → → left → left → left on the left → left → top |
Seriyu room | Replace the positional relationship between the luggage and luggage sand thorn in the second column from the left, put the luggage on top of the sand to push out from the bottom hole. It is important to be interrupted or luggage luggage pit which position of the group in the fourth column from the top. Depending on the order will not be abandoned luggage pit. | Hand model answer is 178, but it was shorter. [126] hand on the right → → → → on → the bottom right → → top → bottom on the left → → → → → left → left on the bottom on the left → → → → → left → left on the bottom on the left → → → → on → the top left → top → top → top → bottom left → → → → → left → left → left under the bottom left → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → → → → right under the bottom → under → left → left → left → bottom left → right → → → → left under under under → → → under under under → → → → right right right right right → → → → on → the bottom right → the top left → → → → right → left → right → under under under → → → → right under the bottom right → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → left → right → up → right → up → left → up → left → → under the lower right → → → → right → up → left → up → left → top → top → bottom left → left → left → left → the bottom right → → → under under under → → → → left → left → left on the bottom → on the right → → |
Vu~eruka room | Sand and dropped the luggage left suddenly, luggage pit below it will not be discarded. First of all, I go to the right. Marie does not put in the lower left section of the normal luggage If you do not add a hole to (4,5), I fill in the extrusion from the two side-by-side luggage here. Go into the holes of the (7,1), luggage spines (6,6) enters from the bottom pit luggage into the hole in the (1,4) both eventually. | Model answer is 138 hand, step I is unknown. [175] hand on the right → → → → on → the bottom right → → → on → the top left → up → → → → left under under under → → → → right under the bottom right → the bottom right → right → → → on the right → → → → → right on top → top → top → bottom left → left → → → → left under under under right → → → → → right under the bottom left → right → up → left → left → left → → on the right → → → → → right on the bottom on the left → → → → → left on the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → left under under under → left → right → up → left → left → left → up → → → → under under under under → → right → left → right → left → left → left → left → right → up → right → left → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → left → left on the left → left → left → → right → left → left → bottom left → left → up → left → up → left → right → up → right → up → on → the bottom right → right → up → left → up → left → up → left → left → → under → left → left → bottom left → up → left → left → → → → left under under under → → → → right on the bottom right → → → → right right right right right → → → → on → the bottom right → → under → left → left → left → left → up → left → up → right → up → right → up → right → the bottom right → the top right → → → → → right on top on the left → → → → → left → right under bottom left → |
Senior | ||
You can change the direction of movement of the package during movement and stopping the movement on the way in to be able to move the Marie also moving luggage slip standing barrier, by pressing from the side in accordance with the timing. It should be noted that I represents the (x, y) and a point of y mass x mass, from left. | ||
Sanitary | The top row of holes is both spine luggage. If you do not work with many extrusion for lawn, moving between extra luggage to prevent Awa next is important. Please note also walk on the floor warp. Luggage (5,5) will have to (5,2) and press from the bottom. Make the passage to put the sand into the hole in the luggage (1,3). | Hand model answer is 168, but it was shorter. [151] hand on the right → right → up → right → → → → right under the bottom left → right → up → → → on → the bottom right → the top left → → → → on the left → left → left → left → bottom → under → → → left → left → right under the lower right → left → right → up → right → → → under under under → → → → left over on the top left → left → → → → → left over on the top left → → → under → → → → right under the bottom right → the bottom right → the bottom left → → → → → left → left → left over on the left → right → up → right → up → right → up → → → under on the left → → → on the right → → → → → right right right right right → → → → the bottom right → right → up → left → the top left → → → → on → the bottom right → left → top → top → bottom left → left → → → → under under under → right → left → right → left → right → right → up → right → the bottom right → the → → → → left over on the top left → → → → on the bottom left → → → → left → left under on the right → left → right → up → right → up → right → → → under under → right → up → right → up → left → left → right → up → right → the bottom right → right → right → → → → right under on the bottom right → → |
City | In order to put the hole in the (1,6), there is no other than to put the luggage on the two warp hole mass, and press on the luggage from sliding further. To do this, you need to bring (1,3) or (1,2) luggage sliding. However, must be in (2,3), and eventually ... for that is because it is impossible to bring to the position of the latter is fixed to the former. To stop in the second column from the top luggage sliding hole (4,2) is then turf. Please bring in the fourth column from the left with a good luggage luggage sliding wall.Finally enter the hole in the lower right corner of the luggage wall eventually. | Hand model answer is 128, Procedure I is unknown. [142] hand on the right → → → → → left over on the top left → → → → → left under under under → → → → left → right below on the right → → → → right right right right right → → → on → under → left → right → right → bottom right → → → right → up → right → up → right → under under under → → → under under under → → → → left → left → left on the left → left → left → left → → left → right → up → right → up → left → left → top → top → top → top → bottom left → left → bottom left → right → up → right → up → left → left → → → → left under under → under → → → left → left under the bottom left → right → left → right → up → left → → → on → the bottom right → the top right → → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → on → on the right → → → → right under under under → → → → right under the lower left → left → left → left → up → left → up → right → up → on → the → → → → left on the bottom left → left → → on the right → → → → the bottom right right right right → → → → → right under under under → → → → left → left on the bottom right → the bottom right → → → on |
Palace Jiuburariku | There are only placed from left to (6,7), for it must be a luggage (5,7) is put in the ice, sliding luggage itself. When you think of moving to the left pane, make their way to put the luggage grass (2,2), so unlikely to be put only ice luggage (3, 4) and press the bottom as it is, (6,7) sand from entering the luggage is gliding. It is easily possible to make a hole in the wall (4,5). | Hand model answer is 146, but it was shorter. [70] hand on the right → right → left → left → right → up → left → left → left → up → left → → → → left under under under → → → → right under the bottom left → the bottom right → → → → under on the bottom right → → → → → right under under under → → → under under under → → → → left → left → left on the bottom under → → → → left → left → left below on the bottom right → left → right → → → → → under under under under → → → → left → left over on the top left → → → → under under under → → → under under under → → → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → on top |
Holy land of the people of grassland | First, I make a way to put the luggage slip of (2,4) into (4,2). Luggage of one slip of the hole is a (5,8) anymore. Luggage sand are placed in the (4,7) and finally, I used to stop luggage as luggage in company as much as possible into the holes later wall, slip. the hole in the (7,5), before putting it into the (5,8) the luggage slip carries the hole in the (7,1) the baggage wall (6,6) luggage spine (6,5) I get up at. In order to carry the luggage to the lower left section of sand that slip and slip wall luggage, there is no place side by side (6,5) to (6,6), only from the press. We used to put the luggage wall (5,5), to stop the press from the right luggage for that. | Model answer is 255 hand, step I is unknown. [297] hand on the right → right → up → left → → → → left over on the bottom right → → → → → right right right right right → → → → under the lower right → left → right → up → left → right → → on the right → left → left → right → up → right → up → right → → → → right under under under → left → left → left → → → → left under under under → → → on → the bottom right → right → right → under → on → the → on → the → on → the → → → left → left under under under → → → under under under → → → → right under right right right → → → → on → the bottom right → right → right → under → left → left → right → up → left → bottom on the left → → → → on → the top left → bottom left → → → → on → the bottom left → up → right → up → above on the right → → → → under → → → right under under under under → → → left → left → left over on the left → → → → → left bottom right bottom right → → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → left → → → → under under → on the right → → → under under under → → → left → left → bottom left → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → left → right → → → left → right under the top left → → → on → below on the right → → → → on the left → left → left → left → left → left → bottom left → → → → → left under under under → → → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → right → up → right → right → up → right → up → right → up → under under under → → → left → left → left → left on the bottom left → → → → on → the top right → up → right → up → right → up → right → → under the lower right → → → → → left under the above → over → → → on the right → left → right → up → → → → left under under under → → → → right under the bottom right → the bottom right → → → Right → → → → left → right under the bottom on the left → left → left → left → → → → left under under under right → → → → → right under under under → → → → left → left over on the bottom left → left → → → → left → left → left → top → bottom left → left → left → left → left → left → left → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → left → left on the bottom on the right → → → → → right right right → under → → → left → right under the bottom left → left → left → left → left → up → → → on → the top right → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → right → right → |
Heredia room | This stage there are many solutions in particular. The following are just a few examples. First of all, carrying to (7,7) the luggage grass, I put in (5,5) the warp luggage. Subsequently, through the luggage sand sliding from the left of the floor that warp, go into compartment in the upper right corner, and (4,1) that carried the luggage grass from the right (4,3), to the same warp luggage. Luggage sand slip caught (7,5) is moved from the left hit the luggage thorns slip.The rest is fine if appropriately placed in closer. | Hand model answer is 400, but it was shorter. [187] hand on the top left → → → → left → left → right → up → left → the bottom right → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → right right right right right → → → → under under under → → → → left → left under the lower right → right → → → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → bottom right → under → → → → left on the bottom left → left → left → left → left → left → up → left → up → right → up → left → → under under under → → → → left over on the left → → → → left under on the left → right → up → right → up → right → up → left → up → → → on the left → left → up → left → left → right → up → right → → → → left under under under → → → under → → → right right right right right right → → → → on → the top left → up → left → up → left → up → right → up → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → under → → left under under under → → → → left → left on the left on the left → → → → → left over on the bottom right → → → → → left on the bottom under → → → → right under under under → → → → right under under → → → bottom right under the lower right → → → → → left on the bottom on the left → → → → the bottom right → the top left → → → → → left → left → left under under under → → → → left → right under under → → → → Right right right under the lower right → → → → on → the bottom right → the bottom right → right → right → |
Mikhail system | into the hole of (6,2), in order to move the luggage Marie spine (5,2) is a sliding luggage (6,1) must be put into the hole of (2,7). To fill the holes (3,1), must be pushed from below, and the holes in the floor of the spine (3, 4) to do so (3,2) (3,3) (3,4 I push from the bottom and side-by-side luggage). For the convenience of the movement, left luggage usual, in (5,3) is to put the luggage Warp is a good idea to (4,5).Finally, at the bottom of the holes (3,1) are arranged three Storage Storage is all walls, (3,1) contains (1,3) and (2,4) respectively. | Hand model answer is 256, but it was shorter. [188] hand under the right → → → the bottom right → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → → right under right right right → → → → → right under the bottom left → right → up → left → left → right → left → → → left → left → left under under → → → under under under → → → left → left → right → up → left → up → above on the right → → → → → right on top on the left → → → → → left under → on → the → on → the bottom right → the top right → → → → → right right right right → → → under under under → → → left → right → up → above on the top left → left → → → → → left under → → → left → left under under under → → → left under under under → → → under under under → → → left → left → left → the top left → up → right → up → right → up → → → under under → under → right → right → up → right → up → right → up → right → up → left → right → up → right → up → left → left → right → up → right → right → right → right → → → right under bottom right → → → → left → left → right below on the left → → → → on the right → → → on → the → on the left → left → → → → left under under under → → → → left under under → → left → left → left → left → the bottom right → the bottom right → → → → left on the bottom left → bottom left → → → → → left → left on the bottom left → left → right → up → right → up → right → → → left → left → left → left → left over on the left → → → → → right on top on the left → → → → below under |
Rooms plie | Be placed in (7,1) is possible by putting in (8,3) the luggage Warp (2,4). To do this in (4,4) the baggage of ice sliding (3,2). Please put in the hole after each hand luggage. | Hand 95 steps have been published on the official site. My answer is I do not because the public can not be broken. Please obtain at the official site of the answer. |
Archive | First, under the luggage to carry sand (7,4) to (6,9) and (2,8) luggage sand lined up to the right is (8,8 luggage of normal (5,8) I put into). And dismissed the luggage wall (3,4), by putting sand bags (1,4), it is possible to make a way to put the luggage of normal (2,2). After that, press from the top to carry (5,7) Warp luggage luggage spine while using as a stopper, slide, Marie fled to moving luggage, we slide up on the luggage compartment. Press the left luggage from sliding warp caught (5,3), followed by the rest into a nearby hole. | Hand model answer is 521, but it was shorter. Hand [228] I am sorry, because of the move, such as moving of luggage Marie is present, so can not be explained only by the procedure described in the up, down, left and right, we will not publish here. I think it is all right on the left tip because it has become almost answer. However, I will send a clear procedure data if there is a demand. |
Great hall | Clear itself is easy. I stopped at a place like that Marie is interrupted during the move luggage sliding. Please seeks to shorten the procedure. | Hand 27 steps have been published on the official site. My answer is I do not because the public can not be broken. Please obtain at the official site of the answer. |
Cafeteria | This stage there are many solutions in particular. The following are just a few examples. When you compare the number of luggage and the hole, but the remaining six holes, (1,10) (1,11) (3,11) (5,11) (7,10) it is (7.11). To put in (4,11) is the warp on the floor (4,9). In addition, the luggage thorns, put in place the luggage wall (1,6) to (1,7), (1,8) (1,9) is filled by the warp on the floor (3,7). I'm also right. Since the last time, and also have to move luggage to prevent Kuttsuka to end as much as possible, and put the luggage wall in the hole, in the compartment luggage above had a firm is initially put the luggage ice (5,6) . Then, create a gap and bring to (7,6) luggage spines (6,4), move the luggage, put the luggage warp to (5,7) and (3,6) luggage sand, ( lead the way by putting ice on luggage (4,7) thorn luggage, and luggage ice (5,9) to 4,6). Right rotating bed, (4,8) is a left rotating bed (3,8).Luggage the last to enter the wall (5,8). Later, so do not forget your luggage abandoned pit. | There is a record of the hand 305 official site's ranking, it is unclear how to do this. I do not publish the procedure can not be cut (Hand 491) model answer, because it has become too long. People who do not really solve sends (515 hands) procedure data if it can clear the mail. |
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